According to the American Heart Association, every 40 seconds a loved one has a heart attack or stroke. We can protect the hearts we love by wearing red to raise awareness of cardiovascular disease. How?
On Friday, February 5, 2021, all Dahl Consulting employees were invited to participate in National Wear Red Day 2021!
For each employee who participated in Wear Red Day, our company pledged a donation to the American Heart Association. After final count, the donation amount totaled $1,360. The American Heart Association will utilize the donation for lifesaving work to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Together, we can be a relentless force for good!
In addition to wearing red, employees were encouraged to raise awareness for and reduce the risks of cardiovascular disease through the following ways:
• Become CPR Certified! Find a CPR training course near you by visiting this CPR course locator.
• Get Educated! Review and become familiar with the signs/symptoms of Heart Attack and Strokes.
• Find Ways to Give! Make a personal donation in honor of a loved one.
On behalf of our company, thank you to every employee who “Rocked your Red” on Friday to raise awareness and funds for the awareness of cardiovascular disease!