(Staffing Firm Average = 8)
Our process allows us to concentrate on exclusive search assignments - meaning that our team of employment specialists takes the time to learn and understand your organization's needs and culture in order to bring you only the most qualified talent. Plus, we’re committed to inclusive staffing and recruitment in order to find you the very best.
Our Vendor Management System (VMS) manages your contingent and contract talent pool using technology that keeps people in mind. Studies indicate that approximately 22% of an organization’s labor pool encompasses contractors or temporary workers. Yet, the majority of companies manage this critical resource by reviewing time lagged and inaccurate accounts payable reports. Our diversity-focused staffing firm does things a little differently.
Best Practices
Advertising and Promotion
Social Network Connections
Central Operations Capabilities
Referral Marketing
Measuring Success
Our Promise
Our clients know they can depend on our efforts, as we hold their priorities in high regard. We genuinely care about each and every relationship and promise to work with the utmost respect, integrity, and high energy, as we continually strive to build long-term relationships. There’s simply no better choice for professional staffing agencies in Minnesota – trust DAHL when it counts.